About Emblem



The Emblem that Janardan Bhagat Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha has adopted officially is carefully designed and beautifully carved signifying the ideology and educational philosophy of the Sanstha. The emblem reflects the vision, the mission as well as the goals and objectives set by the sanstha.

At the Centre of the emblem, the rising sun symbolizes our commitment to the all-pervasive spread of education steering through the hazy darkness of ignorance and illiteracy. Below that the open book having alphabets in English and in Devnagari script indicate the educational philosophy of the Sanstha imparting the quality education consisting of knowledge, skills and thirst for excellence.

Around the circle the name of the Sanstha is adroitly drawn. Around the beautiful letters there are two circles , the inner one suggesting the dynamism, persistence in development and pursuit of excellence whereas the other one suggests the balance, decorum and broad perspective.