Anti Ragging

Ragging prohibited in RTCCS campus.


v Government of Maharashtra hanotified ragging asa cognizable offence. Any one reported to be involved in anyformofragging willbeseverelydealt with.

    Therefore, learner are advised to restrain from indulging in any form of ragging.

v We have committed to observthe provisions of UGC Regulationon Curbing thMenace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions 2009 

    (Reference No.: F1-16/2007 (CPP-1)April 2009).

v Anti-Ragging Mechanism in the College: The College has strong anti-ragginmechanism with Anti-Ragging Committee, CCTV cameras at vital points, regulainteractions and counselling. Surprise inspection 

at cafeteria, rest room, recreatioroom, toilets, etc. 

v List of teaching and non-teaching staff with contact numbershandling anti ragging mechanism icommunicated to thlearners at the beginning of the academic year.

v Nationwide toll free anti-ragging helpline: 18001805522.

Anti-Ragging Warning

vRagging is cognizable offence under the law on par with rape and other atrocitiesagainst women and  iltreatment towards personsbelonging to SC/ST. 

    Ragging istrictly prohibited in the entire institution, 

including its department, constituent unitsall its premises (including academic, residential, sports, canteen etc.) whether located within the campuor outside.

v Students indulging in ragging other students will be punished as per The Maharashtra ProhibitionofRagging Act, 1999 (Mah. XXXIII of 1999)

v Published in Maharashtra Govt. Gazette on 15 May 1999.

v In pursuance to the judgement of the Honble Supreme Court of India dated 08.05.2009 iCivil Appeal No.887/2009, the

v University Grants Commission has framed UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions, 2009 which have been notified on 4 July, 2009 in the Gazette of India".


Administrative Actions in the event of Ragging:


v The institution shall punish students found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and the manner prescribed herein under:

·       The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, in to punishment or otherwise, depending on thfacts of each incident of ragging and nature

            and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendation of the 


·       The Anti-Ragging Committee may, depending upon the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the Anti-Ragging Squad, award, to those found guilty, one or more of thfollowing punishments, namely;

·       Suspension from attending classeand academic privileges.

·       Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.

·       Debarring from appearing in any test, examination or other evaluation process with holding results.

·       Debarring from representing the institution in any regional/national ointernational meet tournamentyouth festival, etc.

·       Rusticationfromthe institution for period of ragging fromoneto foursemesters.

·       Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period.

·       Provided that where the person committing or abetting the act ofragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collectivpunishment.



Anti-Ragging Committee:

Sr. No.Name of Extension TeachersDesignation
1.Ms. Pratiksha PatilCo-ordinator
2.Mr. Pramod WagheMember
3.Ms.Snehal BhangaleMember
4.    Mrs. Shivani MankameMember
5.Mr. Anand ShelarMember