
The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 2010. The department comprises of four spacious, well-equipped laboratories, as well as a preparation room and a departmental staffroom. To ease the teaching-learning process, the department is ICT-enabled, and other modern teaching tools. The college has installed an effluent treatment facility to handle laboratory waste water and to protect the environment from pollution and encourage environmental sustainability in college. The campus gardens use the treated wastewater. 

The department's faculty members are highly qualified, experienced, and committed, and they combine knowledge and experience to enrich the learning experience of students. The current faculty members have a wide range of research interests in chemistry. The department supports the student and the faculty and participation in conferences, workshops, and seminars. The department encourages the faculty to enrol in Ph.D. programmes, submit research proposals to funding organisations, and publish papers in reputed publications. The Research is inculcated among the undergraduate students by motivating the students to undertake the research project and showcase in seminar, conference and Avishkar Research Convention.  

The department provides a safe, encouraging, and stimulating learning environment. The faculty's goal is to use cutting-edge teaching tools to give the student body a high-quality education. The department's strong fundamental basis enables the students to put knowledge to use and become effective. Department has designed various courses to provide students the knowledge of Applied Chemistry and introduce them to various experimental skills. Many department alumni have prestigious positions such as academicians, entrepreneurs, government officials, and so on.

Alternate Text Vision

  • To create a platform for imparting quality education in Chemistry & allied areas, foster research & development that empower the learners to meet the current and future challenges of global standards

Alternate Text Mission

  •  To evolve the cutting-edge facilities that provides distinctive and relevant education in the chemical sciences at the undergraduate level

Alternate Text Goals

  • To enables students to acquire knowledge about the scientific method and develops their communication, logical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Alternate Text Objective

  • To provide a broad foundation in chemistry that stresses scientific reasoning and analytical problem solving with a molecular perspective.
  • To provide students with the skills required to succeed in graduate school, the chemical industry or professional school.
  • To introduce students to the variety of experimental techniques using modern instrumentation.

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